“To make the tradition of medical cost sharing, bearing the cost of each member’s medical needs and expenses affordable and available to all, saving members on average 25-50% on their overall medical cost” AffordaShare is great for the individual as well as for the owner or manager of small businesses with less than 50 employees. Imagine saving 25,35 or 50% on your healthcare cost!
We provide an alternative method of paying for medical treatment and services for individuals, families and small businesses alike, all at approximately 25-50% lower than traditional health insurance.
To enable a variety of people, from all walks of life to come together and share in each other’s medical cost. To administer, manage and pay the necessary medical cost of its members. Through regular monthly membership payments, AffordaShare is able to share and provide families the necessary funds needed for their medical bills as well as help financially support various charitable and religious organizations.
Membership is available to all, however because we are a private membership association, not all qualify for membership. Some potential members may not qualify based on current medical issues and or medications being used. We evaluate each application on a case by case basis and accept most applicants regardless of some current pre-existing medical issues. The best way to see if we are a good fit for you, your family or business is simply to complete the “Next Steps” and complete the General Fact Finder form in our documents section or call us.
9783 E. 116th St. #40
Fishers, Indiana 46037
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